warm niche
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A warm niche is an area of focus the has particular relevance to the entrepreneur. These might be things you understand well due to direct involvement in a work or hobby capacity, or simply things you are interested in.
These are the low hanging fruit for business ideas, and the things you'll be able to maintain a passion for during dark times of building. It is a lot easier to keep building when you care about the niche you are in than one you just found. Same goes for finding a pain point to solve - if it is your own problem you have experienced, you are your own customer and you get it!
Warm niches are where we should start searching for pain points and business ideas - what things do we like to do, what special expertise do we have, and what things do our friends ad family come to us for help about?
This last bit is particularly important - if others find you to be a source of expertise in the field, that's a clear sign of a warm niche. Ironically these are easy to miss as we are so used to thinking about them they are almost too easy. The perfect space to build a brand in. For me, people ask me about investing, crypto, travel, SEO, marketing, software...