Niche: Minimalism

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I started looking into this area for business opportunities as it was something I identified as a warm niche, a space that I am into in my fashion sense and life philosophy.

I don't like wearing logos and I don't like collecting stuff. (But I will advocate for a brand that I love to my friends!). I want things I have to last a long time and be built with quality. I got onto a real natural fibres kick recently, turning to Allbirds shoes finally, which are not popular at all yet in Australia as they don't seem to have done any marketing here for some reason! I was a little put off the living in NYC due to every product manager and dev seemingly having a pair, but they are novel in Australia. I got into bamboo undies, and wool running gear (also Allbirds - love the shorts).

In researching the natural fibres / fibers space, I didn't come across what I felt were large enough communities on Reddit, so perhaps this niche is too small. I did however come across buy it for life, zero waste, and one bag, all good sized communities dedicated to the minimalism niche. This looks like a much more solid market to niche into, while still satisfying my warm niche criteria (and also on my list of first three niches to research, so there we go!).

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